On the cusp of “Industry 4.0”: the new generation of film laminators from Bagel Systems

The buzzword “Industry 4.0” haunted the printing industry for a long time. Whenever anything related to various aspects of the industry’s digital transformation were mentioned, the term appeared. What it meant in actual practice, however, remained largely abstract. Since then, machines have come on the market that live up to the promises linked with Industry 4.0. One such instance is Bagel Systems’ latest innovation in film lamination.

When it comes to finishing, processing, and operation in film lamination, what does Industry 4.0 mean in concrete terms?

DigiFav B2 thermal film laminator: secure data exchange in real time

The new DigiFav B2 thermofoil laminating machine for medium format meets the Industry 4.0 standard. Data on the production process, machine sensors, materials used, end products, and production values can be exchanged in real time and via secure communication. Production can be analyzed, and if needed, more directly controlled. Used in combination with an ERP system or big data tool, the diverse evaluation options provide valuable information for optimizing production. This option will soon be available for all Bagel System film laminators.

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